September 16 and 17, 2019. Coordination meeting of the LIFE AGROgestor project consortium in Madrid.
The LIFE AGROgestor project consortium, led by INTIA, meets in Madrid to address the status of the project in the middle of its execution.
On September 16 and 17, 2019, the AEMET headquarters in Madrid hosted the project coordination meeting, at which representatives from the six project partners met: AEMET, NEIKER, Mas Badia, ITAP, Prodevelop e IFAPA
In the two intense days of work, with the coordination of Ana Pilar Armesto of INTIA, the entity responsible for the project, the current status of the execution of all the actions of the project was reviewed and the pending tasks to be performed were planned, in this interim period Project execution.
Among the topics discussed at the meeting, there was the presentation of the partners and presentation of the new project monitor, the advances in programming: itineraries module, AGROgestor platform, app performances, indicators module. The situation of the replication pilots in the Autonomous Communities and the partners. The review of the HAD (each partner explains situation, crops included, training….). The intermediate report: Review of the schedule of activities, deliverables … Review of remote sensing tools. AEMET weather data. Platform exploitation plan. Confidentiality agreement. European extension Review of dissemination, dissemination and training actions and the economic-financial review of the project.
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