Seminar “Nitrogen fertilization in winter wheat. Use of precision agriculture tools ” in NEIKER.
Today, the LIFE AGROgestor platform has been presented at the Seminar organized by NEIKER-Tecnalia partner of the project, in Arkaute on “Nitrogen fertilization in winter wheat. Use of precision agriculture tools “, Ana Pilar Armesto of (INTIA), has participated with the talk entitled: Remote sensing from satellite. Utilities of the PyrenEOS and AGROgestor projects. In it she explained that the objective pursued in the AGROgestor platform is to integrate satellite images in the collective monitoring of the evolution of crops, at the agricultural plot level in each Collective Management Area (AGC).
Currently the Sentinel-2 hub introduces a paradigm shift in the quality and quantity of Earth Observation (EO) data in open access, opening a new era for terrestrial monitoring systems in the agricultural sector. The Sentinel Potential for agricultural surveillance can be used for: Alerts in parcel monitoring, interparceral classification and zoning, in the context of CAP control.
She also commented that the AGROgestor platform will integrate web-gis knowledge and geolocation platforms such as: Interreg POCTEFA PyrenEOS, LIFE Agrointegra, and LIFE sigAGROasesor.