August 20, 2019. Launching and training day of the AGROgestor platform for the new Aragón replicator pilot.
The LIFE AGROgestor project, led by INTIA, launches a new replicator pilot in Aragon that will be coordinated by the CITA.
Today, at the INTIA headquarters in Villava (Navarra), the launch and training day was conducted, led by the coordinator of the Ana Pilar Armesto project of INTIA, in which the pilot project of the CITA of Aragon was put into operation in the AGRARIUM farm of Monzón (Huesca) which has 297 ha. irrigated, a pilot project replicator of the AGROgestor Platform that is part of the transfer of the platform nationwide in four other Autonomous Communities.
It is expected that the replication of the project will be carried out at the national level in which several replicas will be launched in 9 Spanish Autonomous Communities, 5 of them are those of the project partners and the other 4 Autonomous Communities will have the support of the Advisory Entities that have transmitted their support to the project and their willingness to replicate the solution, such as ITACYL (in Castilla y León), CITA (in Aragón), IMIDRA (Madrid) and CTAEX (in Extremadura).
The CR Hortifuenla (Fuenlabrada) pilot program, which will be coordinated by IMIDRA and whose tutor is ITAP, has already started in May.
At European level it is intended to identify tools and services that can take advantage of the methodologies developed in this project, through the management of workshops or workshops.
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